Monday, 16 November 2015

Sound Ideas

  • During our opening, to make it different from other film openings, we have decided to create a montage sequence in which we will use voices to add help develop contextual information. For example we will use the voice of a mother ringing the police to report her child missing or a police man talking about the case at a police conference.
  • We took inspiration from the  2013 video game, The Last of Us. The setting of the story takes place in a post apocalyptic world which is riddled with people who caught a virus and pretty much turned them into zombies. The story of the outbreak of the virus, who its affected and how people have responded are mentioned throughout the opening through a montage of voices. Some sound like news reports whilst others sound like public interviews. It helps to add context to the game and helps the player understand where in the story they’re being thrown into.
  • We want to use this idea with our thriller opening so that people can understand what is going on, but also to create more enigmas. We also think it will make our thriller stand out from other stalker thrillers. Aside from the voice over montage, we will also be using a non-copyrighted track beneath the voices to help create more atmosphere within the sequence.
  • The Last of Us opening title is our main source of inspiration.

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